Rimini ›
1 Star Hotels in Rimini

Address: Via Keren, 34

Address: Viale TOSCANELLI 37 - 47900 Rimini (RN) - Italia

Address: V. Nervesa Della Battaglia, 14 - 47900

Address: V. Toscanelli, 90 - 47900

Address: V. Toscanelli, 34 - 47900

Address: V. Xxv Marzo, 23 - 47900

Address: V. Codroipo, 37 - 47900

Address: V. Podgora, 4 - 47900

Address: V. Codroipo, 35 - 47900

Address: V. Salcano, 19 - 47900

Address: Via Latina, 9 - 47900
The Villa Laura guest-house is about 100 m away from the seaside.
It is located downtown in Miramare, in a quite place that guarantees customers themselves tranquility and relaxation. The D’Errico family invites their kind customers to their hotel to spend pleasant party and entertainment evenings.

Address: Via Quarto dei Mille 3 - 47900